Contact Info

Business: Sally Doodles face and body art and Bjorn the Magician
Contact: Sally E.T.-Dwyer and John Slack
Address: 4692 South County Trail
Charlestown, RI 02813
United States
Phone: 401 742-2441 or 401 480-5692
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website: Link
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Fine Art, Other

Sally Doodles face and body art and Bjorn the Magician

Sally Doodles is a face and body artist with over 30 years experience in theatrical makeup, and over 8 years with face and body painting specifically. She espscially loves painting at childrens' events. Bjorn the Magician has over 30 years as a professional magician, now specializing in childrens' entertainment, with targeted themes, such as Safety First, Let's Eat Right, and No Bully Zone.


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